Friday, April 6, 2012

Looking at Fulton Harbor with Landlubber's Eyes

After spending a day at our cabin on the bay, I left Richard fishing off the dock and I drove into Rockport. I ended up at Fulton Harbor, so I parked my truck, grabbed my camera, and started walking next along the pier. I am almost totally ignorant of boats and fishing, but I love being around the fishing boats and the harbor. With that confession, I will just show you some of the photos I took, without much explanation.

A lot of the boats are shrimpers, which explains the name of this boat...Shrimp Cocktail.

However, I did not realize that until I asked this man if he was getting ready to go fishing. "Shrimping," was his one-word answer. Duh. Everyone knows that the Gulf coast is famous for it's shrimp industry.

This gentleman was out walking his dog, who had been cooped up on one of the boats during the night. I should have asked him which boat was his, but I missed my opportunity, and he walked on.

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