Friday, June 10, 2011

Texas Birds That Visit My Yard...the Tufted Titmouse

Today, dear readers, I would like to introduce you to the Tufted Titmouse  (Baeolophous bicolor) , a common bird in central Texas. Titmice (titmouses???) love bird feeders. They swoop in, pick out a seed, preferably a sunflower seed, then take off to sit on a tree branch, where they crack it open. They look like they are praying when they work on cracking the seed because they grasp it between their claws while holding it down on a branch, then they bounce their head up and down, the beak pounding on the seed until they get it open. 

Here's a couple of interesting facts about titmice...a collection of titmice is called a 'banditry' and you can have a 'dissimulation' of titmice. In Cherokee lore, the titmouse is regarded as a messenger.

Sitting on my custom bird-feeder (built specifically to allow me to photograph birds) this lovely fella decides which seed he is going to have for lunch.

Of course, he chose the sunflower seed. Sunflower seeds rock!

This titmouse is perched on the branch of an oleander bush, enjoying a bath from the Kissiar yard sprinkler. 

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