Monday, January 9, 2012

Texas Water Fowl Couples

The city of New Braunfels has a nice park that is centered around the Comal River and the springs that feed it. There are many different species of water fowl that inhabit the Comal Springs area and they swim up and down the waterway that meanders through the park. It always makes me smile when I see the ducks swim in pairs, the husbands and wives of the waterfowl world.

They have their own courtship rituals, different from ours, but leading to the same result, which is the formation of a life-long union between a he and a she. Though I must say that the duck marriages probably are more binding than those between people, which is a sad commentary on the state of our own behaviors.

Are they just wired differently? Do they lack the ability to choose to dissolve their bonds? Can you imagine how different our society would be if once a man and a woman chose to become husband and wife, they would be permanently glued together for all of their lives?

Just something to think about....

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