Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Farmer's Windmill

It is hard to find picturesque derelict buildings and windmills to photograph which do not have problems with their settings, such as power lines, ugly fences, housing developments in the background, the list goes on and on. So, when I spotted this old building, which is situated on Highway 46, between Seguin and New Braunfels, I made plans to get there one morning before sunrise, to try and get a good photo. I laid out in the field, and took many shots before the owner of the field walked over to see what I was doing. (Apparently, he lives in the modern house at the edge of the field.) With my camera slung around my neck, I stood up and complimented him on his old windmill and explained that I was a photographer, and said to him that I hoped he did not mind that I was taking picutres of it.
     Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I have no problem asking strangers to pose for me, or let me photograph their old cars or whatever. Out of every 100 or so that I approach, maybe one will tell me no. Folks just usually smile and tell me to help myself. This farmer was one of the few who has ever been unpleasant. Not yelling rude, you understand, just not appreciative or helpful. I remember his reply to this day. He said, "Well, it wouldn't matter if I minded or not, since you have already taken your pictures." Of course, he was right, I am pushy sometimes, but usually, I get away with it.
     Here is the shot I ended up with.

1 comment:

  1. You could tell the farmer about the time-tested advice: "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission." Also stated as, "You can get forgiveness more easily than you can get permission."
