Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Venetian Birthing Chair Made it's Way to Texas!

I spotted this chair when I was at the Frontier Times Museum in Bandera, Texas. The museum is filled with items used by the pioneers and settlers of central Texas. As Richard and I drove down the winding roads, up and down the hills, through the brushy pasture land, we envisioned the settlers arriving in their covered wagons, or on the trains that later criss-crossed the country, and realized that each household item had to be carted from the east at great cost or hauled in their wagon, where space was at a premium. It's a wonder that folks brought such things as pianos or other huge and heavy pieces of furniture. Someone valued this birthing chair enough to give it space in their wagon, or to pay for it to be shipped by rail. I do not know if it was still  being used as a birthing chair when it sat in some Texas woman's home. Who knows how many women gave birth while sitting in this chair...

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