Thursday, January 17, 2013

Speed Photography...Shooting from a Moving Train

Once again, I have taken the Amtrak train from San Marcos to Fort Worth. It is a wonderful way to travel. Unlike driving down the freeway, you can sit high above the ground, travel at 60 mph, yet not have to deal with traffic jams, drunk drivers, weather,  or looking for a gas station with a clean bathroom.

I take my camera and sit in the observation car, which has huge viewing windows and very comfortable swivel couches. Then, I play a photography game called speed shooting. (I invented the game, myself.) Here's how it goes....

I watch out the window to see anything that might interest ANY of my viewers. Then, I start taking shots, shots of all kinds of things. The challenge is to be able to snap the picture before the item speeds out of view. Also, it is part of the challenge to get it in focus (remember, the train is moving!) And the final part of the game is to get the shot composed enough to actually be a decent photo.

This particular trip, which took a little over five hours, I snapped over 1000 frames.

On some trips, I take a lot of photos, and none of them are worth sharing.

This time, however, as I started going through my uploaded photos, I came across shot after shot that I actually liked. Some of them, I liked a lot. The morning light was nice, though not awesome. Many of the shots were in focus. Many of them were framed just right. Wow.
Then, I remember that I have a different, better camera, this trip. It made a difference.

I have to laugh, because, many times, folks say something like, "Your photography is so good, you must have a very good camera." There was a famous photographer who attended a dinner at a New York socialite's home, and the socialite made a similar comment to him. He did not reply, but after eating the meal, he said, "Your dinner was excellent. You must have a very nice stove." Ha, ha. 

Here are a few of my favorites.

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