Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What's That in the Sky? Contrail Versus Chemtrail

Saturday afternoon, I spent about 45 minutes sitting in the observation car of the Texas Eagle, the Amtrak train that travels back and forth between San Antonio and Fort Worth, every day. I had arrived early, so the train just sat while passengers continued to arrive.

Looking up, I saw that someone had been spraying, again. What? You are not familiar with the sprayed lines in the sky that turn into hazy clouds instead of dissapating like jet contrails?

Well, if you see a jet high in the sky and it leaves a small, thin white line behind it, that is probably a contrail, the water vapor trail which dissapates in a matter of minutes.

On the other hand, if you see a jet high in the sky and it leaves a long, thin white line that thickens and spreads out the longer it is up in the sky, that is probably what is referred to by conspiracy type folks as a chem-trail. These lines are usually sprayed in a grid pattern, kind of like a tic-tac-toe game. The trails stay in the sky, expanding for hours. Eventually, they do not look like lines, at all. They turn into wispy clouds.

So, here I was, sitting on the train with my camera in my hand, looking out the window. This is the chem-trail pattern I saw. It's the first star pattern I've seen.

Here is a broader shot, so you can get some idea of the scale of these trails. I do not know who is responsible for them. I do not know why they are spraying these chemical trails. But I do know that they are there, visible for everyone to see who has eyes to see. Makes me wonder, though.

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